I think this is obvious, but obvious does not mean easy. My Substack is basically a propaganda agency for whoever I feel like promoting that day, and was started with the intention of being just that. You're correct that the issue comes in the word relevant when discussing facts.

Facts are like humans. Torture them long enough and they will say whatever you would like. There is no need to lie. It's much better to twist facts that exist to suit the agenda you are trying to push, and once again, this is not a bad thing. This is (in essence) the practice of storytelling.

I feel there is an issue with those who believe they can escape from propaganda at any point, because all art, media, literature, etc. is trying to push it's listener, consumer, reader in a specific direction. If humans cannot see that it's happening, that's perhaps even more dangerous.

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Yes, and my point is that we sometime see “propaganda” as being only negative, or only done by “those people.”

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That's what I meant yes, that it's a shame that people can't find the positives of the propaganda implicit in whatever they're reading/seeing/listening to.

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You are right. I think everyone uses propaganda in some way.

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That's right. Hopefully the good kind of propaganda, but use it we all do.

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